
Sunday, June 22, 2014

What If...

Because Tia's a tease, Butta agrees & I'm not always ain't shit. I think y'all would call this a one shot or something these days. Idk. I'm so out of the loop. Lol. S/o to my baby Green who wrote the base of this. & S/o to you guys... new readers too. We honestly do miss y'all.. Farewell until indefinitely. Enjoy. 
                                                                         Cooncerely(Wow we were so corny),
                                                                                                                                   Green & Purp

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapter 25: October Varies Opaqueness Pt. 2

Okay. Alright. I guess we're officially back now. FINALLY. Eh. Idk. Thanks for sticking around though. Oh.. S/o to .That random ass dm touched my heart tbh. Read.
                                                                                                                                                Green & Purp... who didn't really proofread this shit, but y'all will deal.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter 25: October Varies Opaqueness

Uhm Lemme Think, WhatCouldIDo Tah Kick It Off? -___- Hey y'all. Not gon do too much talking. How Bout I Come All On Yo Zick And Zen I Lick It Off? People can be soooo distracting. Y U Mad? Was worth the wait. & S/o to @TeamOnikaFaree Hopefully that's your twitter. lol. Enjoy.
                                                                                                                                        Green & Purp

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interlude 3: Alfred Bitchcock Tennyson

AMAS SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah buddy! Who you know fresher than Nic? Riddle Me That? S/o to @TeamMinajWales (Cries) *sighs* Rastafari. [rolls eyes] Read.
                                                                                                                                       Green & Purp

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chapter 24: V.asoactive I.ntestinal P.olypeptide

                                                                                                                                         Green & Purp

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Interlude 2: Juicy

Hey y'all. If you were on twitter earlier, you saw some of what went down & if you didn't, know I'm still here. Just tired of the one sided shit. But not to lend anymore energy to it... The A$$ video was dope. & I'd like to make another public apology. But go read cuz you know this ain't for you.                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                              Cooncerely,                                                                                                                                                        [rolls eyes]

Sorry for flipping out on you the other day. I do appreciate what you've done for us. Especially cuz you don't have to. I know it ain't easy & you know I've tried. lol. I just get caught up sometimes. Ok. A lot. But I mean no harm. Anyways, I hope you forgive me & still read. Even if we don't collaborate no more. You got gifts. Use them. & Good looking out on the prayer. I know you said you would out of anger, but I bet yo punk ass really did. O_o *giggles* What is that creepy shit anyways? Look like a face you'd make after getting jooked in the butt. Oop. Go read. *goes to hide* 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Chapter 23: This Is What WE Dew

Speechless. Uhm... yeah. S/o to @NickiMmemphis You don't comment no mo, but we still love you. No Really.. I'm Speechless. I'm tired like.. THE hardest chapter so far. Oop. *smh & washing my hands*
                                                                                                                                    Green & Pure

Monday, October 24, 2011

Feel Or No Feel?

ATTENTION ALL COONS!!! THANKS FOR ENJOYING OUR SHITS & GIGGLES SO FAR! Proper S/o to @Illtakeuhigh Follow Her. & we'll have a post of this sort shouting out all the fics we know of coming out. Soonish. ??? 

Chapter 22: Sweet Samples of Regret

So I called Green's cell like five times, but if I wait any longer my promise will be broken. & if y'all learn anything about me through this project, no I'm big on keeping my word. I'm no where near perfect and to expect me to be, or anyone else for that matter, would be foolish. With that random insight said... S/o to @PINKMunyBARBIEShe's cool people. I'm tryna catch up with her fic but a certain someone who think they A Pimp Name Slickback & I'm the hoe chasing after him in some heels won't pick up. & I can barely walk in 'em. I'd shout it out too, but we doing a post real soon, specifically for that reason. But we neither here nor there *Jadakiss voice* Enjoy this, cause I guess y'all wasn't feeling the last one.
                                                                                                               Cristal, like the champagne.